Enjoying the outdoor weather at a Carolina Mudcat's baseball game in Zebulon, NC.

Von and Sarah hanging out with mini-Mudcat at 5-County Stadium.
Summer time is all about being outside, watching a baseball game, peanuts, Cracker Jacks, and watching an awesome firework show if the Mudcat's win. Which they do occasionally. If it's a Friday or Saturday night game and our home team wins, we are treated to one of the best and up close firework displays EVER! The burst are so close, I've had still burning cinders fall on my arms. You will be so close at you'll feel the rapport.
This is cheap entertainment in the summer. Typically it's about $7/person, and $5 to park. Granted, the concessions are not cheap, but it's a slow game, and we have time to talk, walk around, etc. Yep we eat a lot of junk food when we're at the ball park, cotton candy, sodas, hot dogs, hamburgers, and chips. It's a good time.
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