I am completely self taught and the two things I hunt for are turkeys and deer. I believe if you kill it, you eat it. There is only one exception, and that would be coyotes and bobcats. I've recently started to take them at the request of the land owner, and have seen the change in balance they can have.
I served in the Marines and went to Desert Shield/Storm. Hunting is a privilege not a right. It has strong traditions. Being a hunter means we understand our core roots and a connection to the land. The land does not belong to us, we belong to the land. It is important that we enjoy it, be independent, take care of it, and respect it. Not everyone desires to exercise the freedom to hunt and fish. But this is a freedom worth fighting for, and the pursuit of game is as natural to men (and women) as it is to breath.
Eating well is another motivator for me to hunt. I believe in healthy organic foods. I've watched Food Inc., King Corn, Super Size Me, The Future of Food, and Ingredients. There are a lot more information out there about what's good for us and what's not. I encourage everyone to be more educated about what we put in our bodies. Good luck, good hunting, and I'll get off my soap box now. Hope my info helps you be more successful in the field.
I love to hunt with the recurve bow and older guns, but I do not shun the modern equipment. My two favorites: 1968-1970 Bear Kodiak Magnum and 1952 Marlin 30-30 336RC Lever-action.
With the exception of my children, nothing makes me happier than living off the fat of the land.
You can view the hunting blogs here.

18" outside spread, taken with a 1952 336RC Marlin chambered in 30-30.

Nice doe taken with the Bear Recurve at 23-yards. Self-made 600 grain arrow.
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