Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shakori Hills GrassRoots Music Festival

What a super great time at Shakori Hills GrassRoots Music Festival.  Over 50 bands played.

I love Zydeco music from Louisiana!

The art of stacking rocks......hours of fun and simple entertainment.  Who needs expensive toys?
Main stage.....bring your own lawn chair and cooler.
Good times with good food, music, drink, and friends.
Dancing the night away for all ages.
A rocking good time.
Give out yee battle cry...and have some fun!
Doing it with style...that's the Wolfpack Girl!
Awesome times at the Shakori Hills GrassRoots Music Festival.

I'm a pretty spontaneous guy, and a couple of years ago an old college buddy of mine said we should go to the Shakori Hills GrassRoots Music Festival.  I had no idea what it was, but the kids and I are into camping, so we pack up our gear and head out to Pittsboro, NC.

To say that there was a lot of people there is an under statement.  I would equate this to a modern day, family friendly Woodstock, but better organized.  We parked one vehicle and then my friend, his young 4-year-old son, my two kids, and I piled into one truck.  We paid a one day pass and camping fee, and drove in to find a site.  They had prices for 1 night, 2 nights, and 3 nights as well.  I think for the whole 4-day event it's $75.  We were allowed to bring in our own coolers and food.

Our site was in an open field, with lots of other campers surrounding us.  It was tent city, a huge groovy community!  The Spring weather was beautiful for camping too.  After we'd pitched our tents, we had a chance go walk around and explore.  It was a pretty big area and there were sign post and maps to keep you from getting lost.  Some trails would lead us through the woods and there were campsites without cars in the shaded woods.

As we walked we could hear each camp site playing music, and every now and then I'd get a whiff of something I remembered from my college days.  No one did this in the open, and I was happy for that because we did have small children with us, but I'm just telling you this so there are no surprises.  This is very much a liberal culture you will be stepping into.

Some of the tent sites were decorated with Christmas lights or Chinese lanterns.  People were very creative in their make shift homes.  You could tell that some looked like professional campers.

If I remember correctly there were about 5 main stages, and more smaller (large tent) stages where musical performers played.  There were tons of little individuals tents sent up where vendors would sell hand made jewelry, art work, pottery, and clothes.  You will get a wide variety of music.  There were over 50 musical acts playing over the course of 4 days.  I heard deep south southern blues, Zydeco, country, rock, folk, etc.

There were neat little fields of artistic large carved wooden pieces.  Like beautifully painted wooden sculptures and totem poles.  There was an area in the open woods where you can practice the art of rock stacking.  My kids loved this simple play.

There were areas where you could do arts and crafts out of recycled materials.  Some stations had drums.  Adults and children a like could experience the pure pleasure of beating on a drum.  I think there were some booths where you could learn different crafts....weaving maybe?

There was an areas with an open barn where you could get food and beverages.  I remember having a great cup of coffee there in the morning watching the world wake up.  It went well with my whole grain muffin. 

There was a section that was the equivalent to an outdoor food court.  Each both had something different.  You could get vegetarian, to something from the Middle East, BBQ, Chinese to Greek Food.  There was a wide variety, and the quality was excellent.  Bring cash.  But I think I do remember that there was an ATM there....incredible as it sounds it was in the middle of the woods.

One of the things that really impressed me was the presence of EMS personnel for any kind of emergency.  Restroom accommodations will be port-o-potties, so don't be shocked. 

I remember there was an organized make believe sword battle as well.  My kids were given foamy swords and the organizers would make two groups of 20-30 kids, and they would go into battle having fun whacking each other harmlessly.  Little kids screaming battle cries.

My friend and I were prepared with our own lawn chairs and small coolers with our favorite beverages on ice.  It was just a fantastic time and it became even more mystical as the sun went down.  Huge trees were lit up with Christmas lights.  Everyone was having a good time, full of food and drink and listing to great music.  People were dancing the night away.

After the concerts, we'd walk back to our tent sites and pass people gathered around fires, drinking, talking, and playing acoustic guitars.  The organizers had fresh water tanks that were easily accessible around the area. 

In the morning there was a long line for the primitive outdoor shower.  The kids and I walked there in our flip flops, towels slung over our shoulders and holding our plastic bags filled with tooth brush, tooth paste, and soap. 

The water pressure was not that high....just a trickle really, but at least it was hot, and wet, and we could wash off and feel fresh and new again.  I would just like to add that it was a very wonderful experience and very family oriented.  The message of peace, love, and happiness was definitely out there.  All you have to do is be open to pick it up.  I'm not a hippie by any stretch of the imagination, but I pretended to be one for a day...and it wasn't that bad.

What to expect:  Expect to have a good time and be around people that are open minded.  Expect to see a friend or two.  You will see people there of all ages.  Expect to hear great music and see a lot of different acts.  Expect to see great arts and crafts, feel free and safe.

What to bring:  This is a camping event.  So take advantage of bring in your own food, ice, and drinks.  Bring extra toilet paper, bring lawn chairs, bug spray, and a happy and good attitude towards life.  Bring some cash, and possibly rain gear.

This is a huge...let's get back to nature 4-day event.  It is a big "Bang for the Buck."  In endorse it with two thumbs up.  Don't believe me?....ask my kids.  This festival happens twice a year, and gets bigger and better every year.  I've attached more info with their website down below.  Check it out.  Peace....out!

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